
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fix InsightBB / Time Warner Slow Youtube Throttling

Summary, Drop these commands in your command prompt on windows Vista/7

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="YoutubeHTTP1" protocol=TCP localport=80 action=block dir=IN remoteip=

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="YoutubeHTTP2" protocol=TCP localport=80 action=block dir=IN remoteip=

Enjoy. The incredible thing is now I'm not even seeing any delay when switching to 1080p, I used to see a complete refresh and then a pause. Why do these commands create a better streaming experience? TimeWarner/Insight is throttling downloads from servers that host cached videos. By rejecting these IP address ranges you will force the video to be served to you directly. This harnesses the full download speed of your internet connection. Other people can dive into the complexity much better than I ever could, but that’s the overall theme.

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