
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Magic the Gathering 2014 Sealed Deck Edit / Hack

Want to edit your sealed card decks in Magic the Gathering 2014?
Make sure the game is closed while you edit stuff.
Backup the .profile file

First of all, you need any HEX editor.

To list all the cards use this tool.

Use the Gibbed.Duels.Unpack.exe to unpack DATA_DECKS_D14.WAD
which contains sealed cards id's.

This gives you unpacked xml 
D:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Magic 2014\DATA_DECKS_D14_unpacked\DATA_DECKS_D14\DATA_ALL_PLATFORMS\DECKS\D14_SEALED_POOL.XML 

Okay, here we go.Open DECKSD14_SEALED_POOL.XML with a text editor, you can see some deckOrder id's here.

Open the .profile file in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\RANDOMNUMBER\213850\remote in a HEX Editor.
Backup the .profile file
Scroll down and you can see your sealed decks names between header and ending of the profile. 


1D 01 21 01 05 01 7B 01 19 01 05 01 1D 01 4F 01 44 01 3F 01 04 01 03 01 20 01 00 01 07 01 07 01 50 01 55 01 01 01 71 01 7D 01 51 01 51 01 3C 01 3C 01 94 02 31 02 36 02 08 02 2E 02 16 02 34 02 25 02 32 02 42 02 54 02 15 02 39 02 37 02 2D 02 33 02 02 02 3A 02 68 02 4A 02 73 02 0A 02 33 02 36 02 11 02 18 02 37 02 6C 02 5D 02 87 02 29 02 0D 02 0F 02 37 02 31 02 12 02 36 02 09 02 02 02 5D 02 6C 02 0F 02 38 02 25 02 2F 02 31 02 46 02 66 02 3E 02 38 02 2F 02 0A 02 17 02 15 02 36 02 02 02 33 02 5A 02 87 02 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00
These are blocks with your cards. You can change hex values with any sealed pool's ids. Of course you should convert these ids to hexadecimal form first. There is also 01 and 02 values, these says if your card is in deck 01 or pool 02. Every two blocks = 1 card. Saved pools can have maximum of 126 cards.

There is some empty FF 00 slots as you can see. It should work well if you just fill these with card ids and 02 values like [35 02] and so on.

Take deckOrder id's from
 DECKSD14_SEALED_POOL.XML and convert the decimal number  to hex and then edit the deck hex table for that card.

So in the XML you see:

<CARD name="PRIZED_UNICORN_345320" deckOrderId="100" />

Take "100" convert to HEX. HEX of 100 = 64
Replace a HEX entry for a card. If you wanted the card in your hand you would make the pair:
[ 64 01 ]

Save the hex
Also, it should be possible to create more deck slots by just copying existing ones and editing some values.

Now take your .profile file and run it  through this program:
Extract that archive to this directory (look up your random number)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\RANDOMNUMBER\213850\remote

Use command line and CD to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\RANDOMNUMBER\213850\remote

run the command (number of profile is unique to user)
D13Hash NUMBEROFPROFILE.profile hash.file

you will get an output like:
* Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 profile hash generator *
Opening file 150497.profile... OK
Length: 0x5436
WARNING: non-standard file length (expected 0x10c4).
Hash: 0xda54cef3
Writing hash to file hash.file... OK

The warning is OK - IT STILL WORKS

This is called creating a HASH or hashing the .profile file.
Every time you change the .profile file in a HEX editor you need to generate a new HASH.
Now your deck should load in the Game.

Image of what you should edit.


Have fun and enjoy.


  1. I can edit what I want but it doesn't change any cards in my pool. The only change is when I replace any 01 with 02, the deck becomes empty and the pool sets to 126 again but it's not possible for me to change any existing card into another one :(

  2. Yeah, it looks like they patched this. It no longer works.
