
Monday, September 2, 2019

How To Disable PayPal’s Currency Conversion to Save Money on Fees


PayPal is great if you’re shopping at a place you don’t entirely trust and/or if you want to keep your credit card number private. Well, between you and Paypal at least. Their fees, however, can be horrendous. This hits merchants harder than consumers, but even as a buyer they have ways to get you. One example is their currency conversion fee, which amounts to 3% of the transaction value and is applied automatically if you buy from a(n international) seller whose currency differs from your card’s.
3% is a lot, and your bank can probably do better (mine does conversions at 1%). Thankfully, there is a way to disable PayPal’s automatic currency conversion, though they haven’t made it easy to find. Go figure.

How To Disable PayPal’s Currency Conversion in 6 Steps

Step 1

Step 1
Log into PayPal and click on the options icon.

Step 2

Step 2
Go to the Payments screen, then to “Manage automatic payments”.

Step 3

Step 3
Once again, click “manage automatic payments” to get to the classic view.

Step 4

Step 4
Above your automatic payments list, got to “Set Available Funding Sources”.

Step 5

Step 5
Next, hit “Conversion Options” behind your credit card (or other funding source).

Step 6

Step 6
Finally, choose to be billed in the currency listed on the seller’s invoice. Don’t forget to hit submit.
If applicable, repeat from step 5 for any additional cards on your account.
There, all done. Now your bank will handle the conversions at probably much more favorable rates. Wasn’t that process straightforward and intuitive? /s

Monday, August 19, 2019

How to extract your Amazon ebooks from the Android Kindle App



The ebooks of the Amazon Kindle app can be found on your Android phone in PRC format below the folder /data/media/0/Android/data/

Download the books

To be able to extract your books from your Android phone, you need to synchronise the books first, so they are available on your device.
To ensure they are local. turn of all network connections (wifi, mobile data) and try to read them.

Finding the files

At first I guessed the files I was looking for may be ending in .azw. Looking for these files, however did not reveal any file.
My second guess was to look for amazon files or folder named amazon:
% find / -name \*amazon\* 2>/dev/null
I found /data/data/, with the following content:
% ls    app_metricsNORMAL                 databases  app_web_cache                     files
app_dex                           app_web_database                  lib
app_dexopt                        app_webview                       shared_prefs
app_metricsHIGH                   cache
Looking for books in this directory wasn't successful. However, the databases directory looked interesting.
% cd databases
% grep -ri mybookname *
Binary file databases/kindle_library.db matches
Binary file databases/kindle_library.db-journal matches
I used sqlite to have a look at the database:
% sqlite3 kindle_library.db
sqlite> .schema
This revealed one interesting table named LocalContent. Looking at it closer:
sqlite> select * from LocalContent;
This revealed the emulated path /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ and referenced .prc files.
I looked for them in the filesystem using ...
% find / -name \*.prc 2>/dev/null
... and found my books!
To extract the ebooks to your computer, you can use any file copy program. The rsync utility however is suited for it very well, as it can (re-)sychronise the whole folder:
% rsync -av /data/media/0/Android/data/ mycomputer:mybooks/

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easy way to get captions from OPENLOAD

Hi distressed person! Like you I have been through this problem of how can I get to download subtitles from openload. I  had searched a lot of sites regarding how you can download subtitles from openload however, no good results were shown or some were too complex for my little mind to even comprehend lol.
So if you are okay with extending a little bit of an effort to get those subs, I’ll share my own experience on how miraculously got it. If you have questions, just put it in the comment box below.
Disclaimer: I am by no means an expert with any computer languages, i’m just sharing my own experience ðŸ™‚
Good luck!

So first of all, you are in that site of openload with the video you wanted to watch. However, the subs aren’t easy to get. well, just follow these steps below:
  1. Open that page’s source simply by left click —> view page source or just simply (Ctrl+U)
  2. then press Ctrl+F and find captions
  3. you’ll see something like thissource
  4. that is the link which is the source of your video’s subtitle. So just click it. I don’t know if other openload videos also have .vtt as extension for their subtitles but this is the one in my case.
5. left click again and choose “save page as”
6. then you already have the webvtt version of the subtitle that you need. If your computer supports this version for subtitles then you are good to go! Congratulations!(Well, even if I already downloaded this version, it didn’t run on my computer at first lol so I still did a bit more to finally convert it to srt)

so if it still didn’t run on your video player, you can add a little bit of an effort and follow the steps below:
  1. The thing that I used is a free site which generates vtt files. Just go to  and click caption generator
  2. Import the file you downloaded from the subtitle’s source
  3. Click download captions vtt file
  4. There are many sites which convert vtt files into srt ones just choose whichever you want. But in case you are asking, I used to convert the vtt file to srt
  5. Once you got your srt file, you are already good to go! Congratulations!

Well, I do really hope I helped you. Enjoy watching your video with subtitles now!
I will really appreciate any message of thanks in the comments below just to know whether I helped you.

Have a good day!
1. Open the page, Ctrl+U
2. Ctrl+F and type src
Roll down & find link
(the code after /embed/ will be unique for each movie)
Click this link.
3. Mark/chose again ‘src’ or ‘vtt’.
4. Find the line with the link similar to this:

(vtt – indicates subtitles; another languages, if available, will be shown in separate lines.)
5. Right-click the link and select: ‘save this on disk as’ or alike.
6. The window pops out – chose where to save and change the name that it matches with the movie. Type dot (.) and srt as the extension. (e.g.: The Save it as ‘all files’ and never as text file.
7. Yours subtitles in srt format are ready.

Openload Fast Downloader

This will allow you to download openload mp4's much faster than direct from the site using youtube-dl and aria2

1. Install chocolately
Open CMD

 -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object
 System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" &&

choco install youtube-dl

choco install aria2

2. Create download batch file
Paste this in a .bat file
@echo off
set /p var1="Url? " && youtube-dl -f best !var1! --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args "-j 16 -s 16 -x 16 -k 2M"

For embedded video urls in Firefox
Right Click on Embedded Video > This Frame > Show Only This Frame > Copy URL from address bar